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2023/12/05 11:00 · admin

Whirlpool is a managed investment fund created by @blahdìeblah, leveraging DeFi yield farming and investments. Whirlpool makes passive income simpler and offers high yields on the Waves blockchain.

To invest in this product all you need to do is provide liquidity to the Whirlpool Automated Market Maker.

First, you need to purchase $WHIRLPOOL with $WAVES either on the Smart Contract or by using Puzzle Swap. The WAVES you provided for buying $WHIRLPOOL ends in a Treasury that will be used for investing in WAVES ecosystem.

When you have both $WHIRPOOL and $WAVES in your wallet, go to Whirlpool megapool and commit your tokens. Profits of investments are periodically distributed into the pool and you will be able to claim them from the megapool Dapp.

Richlist https://w8.io/top/73tY3E6Gd5AWYmsuq8m8Kek7KnJNAYyS3GoveTbc6jCi
website: https://www.burnxtn.tech/whirlpool
litepaper: https://www.burnxtn.tech/whirlpool/litepaper
telegram: https://t.me/burnxtn
twitter: https://twitter.com/BURN_XTN

whirlpool.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/13 09:18 by admin