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2023/12/05 11:00 · admin

Swop.fi is a revolutionary Automated Market Maker (AMM) that facilitates the seamless swapping of Waves with other digital currencies like $EGG, $PUZZLE, $WX, and more (example, you can swap $POWER with $XTN or $WAVES for $EGG).

Unlike traditional markets, Swop.fi operates on a permissionless and automatic basis by utilizing liquidity pools. Users can exchange tokens instantly without having to create orders or wait for their execution.

The platform combines various types of liquidity pools, each implemented as a smart contract. The exchange rate is determined by algorithmic pricing and solely depends on the amounts of tokens stored on the smart contract. Swop.fi employs different price calculation formulas that are tailored to each specific token pair for optimal performance.

The $SWOP Token

$SWOP is the governance token of the protocol. Holders can stake their tokens and get $gSWOPs which generate staking income and provide many benefits. Fees support the $SWOP price: 35% of swap fees in all liquidity pools are used to buy $SWOP.

You can use $gSWOP tokens to:

  • Get a discount on trading fees
  • Get Staking rewards: You will get $SWOP tokens (35% of all pools trading fees)
  • Boosting pools: Every week, $SWOP stakers vote for pool weights for the next week. Pool weights directly affect liquidity providers’ income: the farming reward in $SWOP is distributed among the farm pools in proportion to their weights.
  • Influence the appearing of new pools: $SWOP stakers can approve or reject a request to add a new pool.
  • Participate in IDOs hosted on Swop.fi Launchpad: Swop.fi Launchpad provides you with an opportunity to buy tokens of third-party projects at an initial price, which can grow significantly as the project develops. The project tokens are sold for USDN, but most of them can only be bought by $SWOP stakers.

Website: https://swop.fi
FAQ: https://swop.fi/docs/faq
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Swopfi
Telegram: https://t.me/swopfisupport
$SWOP Info: https://wavescap.com/asset/SWOP/info
Price: https://wavescap.com/asset/SWOP
Richlist: https://wavescap.com/asset/SWOP/richlist

swop.fi.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/26 10:52 by admin