{{page>supportwaveslease}}{{:wiki:waves-nft-signature-chain.png?400 |}} [[https://www.signature-chain.com/|Signature Chain]] simplifies document certification using blockchain, enabling users to certify files and videos without central authority. It employs advanced algorithms for digital signatures, ensuring verification on the blockchain and facilitates digital certification and transactions using its native token, $SIGN. This innovative approach streamlines the certification process, offering a secure and efficient solution for proving the legitimacy of digital documents. Signature Chain created and mantains the following products: * [[Sign Webapp]] $SIGN web wallet with feature to sign and certify documents * [[https://gate.sign-art.app/|Sign Gateway]] A gateway for transfering SIGN Art NFTs between WAVES and ETHEREUM blockchains * [[Sign Web Wallet]] Custom Web Wallet Hosted White label Web Wallet service for waves token. * [[Sign Art]] Dapp to create, buy and sell NFTs info: [[https://wavescap.com/asset/SIGN/info|$SIGN]] \\ richlist [[https://wavescap.com/asset/SIGN/richlist]] \\ price: [[https://wavescap.com/asset/SIGN]] \\ website: [[https://www.signature-chain.com/?utm_source=wavespedia|https://www.signature-chain.com]] \\ telegram: [[https://t.me/SICA_official]] \\ twitter: [[https://twitter.com/SignatureChain]]