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SIGN Art, created and maintained by @kriseekka, is a web gallery of Blockchain-Certified Digital Art. You can use the DAPP as an artist or as a collector.

Artists require an approval, have the option to create personal galleries and tokenize their creations by permanently linking each to a unique Non-Fungible Token or NFT, and sell as a single or in limited editions Apply as an artist.

Collectors can use the platform to display their collections of NFTs, transfer or gift to any Waves account, and sell in the secondary market.

The platform requires the $SIGN utility token for Artists to manage profiles and creations. $SIGN is a utility token across all Signature Chain products and services, including SIGN Art, SIGN Web App and all future services. Digital creations can be sold in $SIGN, $WAVES or $XTN.

info: $SIGN
richlist https://wavescap.com/asset/SIGN/richlist
price: https://wavescap.com/asset/SIGN
website: https://sign-art.app
telegram: https://t.me/SIGNArtApp
twitter: https://twitter.com/signArtApp

sign_art.1702813969.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/17 03:52 by admin