{{page>supportwaveslease}}{{:wiki:waves-nft-signart.png?400 |}} [[https://www.sign-art.app?utm_source=wavespedia|SIGN Art]] is a product of [[Signature Chain]] and **is a web gallery of Blockchain-Certified Digital Art that You can use as an artist or as a collector**. **Artists** require an approval, have the option to create personal galleries and tokenize their creations by permanently linking each to a unique Non-Fungible Token or [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-fungible_token|NFT]], and sell as a single or in limited editions. You can apply as an Artist [[https://sign-art.app/register|here]]. **Collectors** can use the platform to display their collections of NFTs, transfer or gift to any Waves account, and sell in the secondary [[https://mainnet.sign-art.app/marketplace/1?search=&status=verified|market]]. **The platform requires the $SIGN utility token for Artists to manage profiles and creations**. $SIGN is a utility token across all Signature Chain products and services, including SIGN Art, [[SIGN Web Wallet]] and [[SIGN WebApp]] and all future services. Digital creations can be sold in $SIGN, $WAVES or $XTN.