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2023/12/05 11:00 · admin


POWER DAO it's an inovative DAO that gives the users (who needs to hold the token $POWER ) the option to propose, support and self-organize into communities, and to buy-into the projects they want to see succeed up front. Its pillars are:

Special Purpose DAOs

As previously said POWER DAO users can organised themselves in Special Purpose DAOs (SP-DAOs). There are two possible type of DAOs:

Every SP-DAO:

SP-DAO users oversee KPI tracking, completion, and approval, while Power DAO users serve as an arbitration layer to resolve any governance disputes or deadlocks. This applies not only to arbitrary proposals but also to other matters.

How to Propose a new SP-DAO

Anyone can make a proposal on POWERDAO, by accessing the following!page. One will need to specify:

The cost for making a proposal is 0.005 $WAVES and you need to have at least 1 $POWER stacked in the SP-DAO.

Once the Proposal is created it will be voted by POWER DAO users that have $POWER stacked.

The $POWER token

The $POWER token is the governance token for the Power DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization built on the Waves blockchain. It empowers the community to shape the future of the Waves ecosystem through voting rights and decision-making processes.


You can buy $POWER on WAVES Exchanges or directly on Power DAO